Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It won't be long now....

I talked to Mai today, and like the last conversation, she sounds great. I was a little concerned when I called and the lady that answered the phone asked her could she make it to the phone. Once she got to the phone she told me that a test they performed on her on Friday required a medication that has her 'unbalanced'. She told me she's walking with a walker but it helps to keep her balance. The test they performed required them retrieving fluid from her spinal cord, which she said doesn't hurt her today, but it sounds like a serious test. Sort of like when they give women epidurals, except they were extracting fluid for testing.

She sounds upbeat and determined to be outta there in the near future. She said she is going to give it about another week so they can get the test results. She also told me that they no longer believe she is depressed but she believes she may have had a breakdown. That sounds more like what happened, in my humble opinion. I think she just had too much going on at once between her home life, her job, and just not being happy with where she was in her life at that point that it took a toll on her emotionally.

In my heart, I know she will walk away from this experience with a new found attitude towards life and she will make it her business to look out for HER first, so she can find happiness.

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