Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 8....the cleanse

I started day by going to a kick ass spinning class at the gym. I sweat so much it was ridiculous! But I felt great afterwards. I went to the market and bought about 20 oranges to make the orange juice today and for day 9. All day and evening I alternated orange juice and water. Didn't feel hungry at all.

Best part is I weighed myself yesterday morning and I'm down another 4 lbs. Weighed myself this morning and I lost 2 more pounds, so total to date is 15. I'm psyched! The only thing that concerns is how my body is going to react when I go back to normal food. Am I going to put the weight back on right away? Am I just losing water weight or fat also?

Hopefully, I can keep the weight gain to a minimum or none at all by watching what I eat and still working out.

I'm leaving work now, because I'm done! They won't see me until March 9. I don't know how I'm going to come back to work after being off for 3 weeks.

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