Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 4....cleanse

Saturday was not easy to say the least. First off, Saturday is traditionally my cheat day. Diet wise. I usually eat well at work all week to treat myself on Saturday. Okay and maybe Sunday. Just the weekend in general dammit! So I broke. But not badly...I had a salad...OK. and some Doritos. but only a few. I still took my laxative tea last night and this morning the SWF. And guess what?
I STILL lost 3 pounds! Total to date is 11 pounds. Whoo!

I will tell all you cleansers out there, it's a mind game. I was not in the very least THAT hungry where I felt starved. Mentally, I was telling myself, it's Saturday. I'm supposed to be eating something. We usually go out to eat so that made it even worse.

The good thing is when I thought of food and my cheat day, miraculously I wasn't thinking about traditional "cheat" foods. I wanted salmon yesterday. or ultimately what I did eat, a salad. Weird, huh? I actually wanted, no craved (mentally) healthy food. I think that's why it didn't affect my weight loss at all.

Today is day 5 and I can tell you already I was out allllll day doing wedding shopping and didn't have my lemonade with me. Soooo, I had another salad. This is totally not a part of the cleanse but whatever. As long as I'm losing weight, I'll do a real flush after the wedding.

What you have to understand about this cleanse is that there are many reasons to do it. Right now, with my wedding 12 days away, my reason is weight loss. Period. And since the scale numbers are still going down, that's what matters to me.

Tomorrow I'm going strictly back to lemonade. Hey, it was the weekend. But I didn't have a pizza or McDonalds or Taco Bell, as Mike suggested earlier (ugh, the nerve of him lol) or any other greasy spoon meal. A salad is totally guiltless in my book.

Until 5 coming up.

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