Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 5...the cleanse

Day 5- Pretty good. Took the laxative tea Saturday night and the SWF Sunday morning. Normal stuff. Mike and I went out about 2 pm and I didn't think to bring my lemonade with me. Needless to say, by 5pm I was starving. So I opted to have a salad. Yummy and healthy. The funny thing is I weighed myself this morning and I am +2 lbs. How the hell that happen? I only ate a salad and a few Doritos (heehee) on Saturday. So total weight loss to date is 9 lbs. Still cool with me. Had my laxative tea Sunday night to get me ready for day 6.

In wedding news, we got our seating chart done and packed up all the stuff we need shipped to Florida. We're just waiting to hear back from my DOC as to when someone will be home to collect our things when they arrive. I started ironing on the transfers I made and they came out wonderful! I can't wait to wear my Mrs. undies ;-) I think we're pretty much done with things in NJ, just need to focus on packing now so I don't forget anything. Today I also mailed my thank you notes from my bridal shower. Glad to get that out of the way early. :)

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