Sunday, October 19, 2008

Home sweet home!

I called Mai on Friday and gave them the security code as usual in order to speak to her. A few minutes later the woman who answered the phone comes back to tell me they don't have anyone there by that name. Yippee, my girl is outta there! It's about time! I called her sister after I hung up with the hospital to confirm, and she told me that it was true. I am so relieved.

I haven't called her yet; I want to give her a few days to settle in and then I'll reach out. I just pray that everything works out for her. I'm not even going to bring up the wedding unless she does; I don't expect her to be able to still be my MOH, but I hope, as I said before that she can at least be in attendance. In the unlikely event she still wants to be in it, we are going to have to see what magic we can make happen in order to rush her a dress. The other girls ordered their dresses almost 2 months ago, and they aren't even due in until January. Yikes. We'll take it one day at a time.

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