Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1st dress fitting!

It's official. The wedding is next month and I tried on everything for the first time yesterday. The jewelry, the shoes, oh the pink shoes, the veil from Occansey Designs, everything was perfect. I still have about 6 weeks to go so it's on at the gym! Because the dress has a corset back, I can still lose some more weight and not compromise the fit of the dress.

In other good news, Mike's cousin Jr. opened his eyes the other day. =) He now knows who's around him; before he was in a medically induced coma and on a respirator. He still needs the respirator because his heart isn't strong enough yet but we'll keep praying that he gets there.

I'm jumping back and forth here, but we also finally found a dress for my mom. Finally! She has an ivory 3 piece suit with gold embellishments on it. Very regal and classy. This weekend we're going to check out a dark brown suit for my father. Pops picked out a spiffy dark gray suit with white shirt and coral colored tie and hanky on Sunday at the men's store. The guys suits also came in and Mike tried his on with his ivory shirt. Looks rather good in it too if I must say so myself. The groomsman's shirts and brown.

Everything is coming together nicely. =)

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