Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The invites

We received our invites in the mail today. Ugh. First of all, there are 13 of the 65 bottles broken. They were packed with those noodle looking things and paper. Of course they wouldn't survive. Couple that with the mail workers completely disregarding the "fragile" written on the boxes and probably tossing them every which way. So, I'm down 13 invites. On top of that, I was already down a few more because we added people to the list. So now I need 15 invites, total

So what to do? Do I order more bottles and make them myself? Or, just get the Vistaprint invites and send those, as another knottie suggested, to those people I'm quite sure won't be attending. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

Right now I'm waiting to hear back from Andrea (girl who did the invites) to see what she plans to do. I don't know if she had insurance on the packages or not. If it's the latter, we'll see how she intends to make this right. I'll keep you posted. But first, for your viewing pleasure courtesy of Mike:
Here's the banged up box:
My broken bottles in the noodle stuff:
A few of the bottle tops. How wonderful.

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