Thursday, November 27, 2008
Turkey day!
Mike started the turkey and homemade stuffing this morning and he should be on his way back from picking up his other brother from the airport. In the meantime, I'm working on the cabbage with smoked turkey, baked macaroni and cheese, and the potato salad is DONE. Whew, I can't wait.
The only thing left is the yams with pineapple and the cornbread, which I'll start last.
On another note, I decided to call shiit starter bridesmaid and let her know there was no need to think about whether or not she wanted to be in the wedding. I was making the decision for her; I told her very nicely, just come to the wedding, if you still intend to do that, and have a good time. I wished her a Happy Thanksgiving and told her to enjoy her family before ending the conversation and that's that. I feel relieved because the women I have left truly want to stand next to me and they belong there. If you have to think about whether you want to participate, like you're doing me a favor when you started all the drama, thanks but not thanks.
So on to enjoy the holidays with loved ones and true friends. To all of you, Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm tired
The one bridesmaid hangs up and I'm left on the phone with the shiit starter. She continues to try to rub things in further and I try not to feed into it but I'm human. So after talking to her I wasn't going to call pregnant bridesmaid but I couldn't help myself. I confronted her about what she said and she tried to downplay things. Whatever.
Later I email shiit starter just to let me know what she plans to do. She had mentioned that she might have to drop out of the wedding with all the drama that's going on (most of which she started, I might add) I also told her I talked to the other girl so be prepared if she calls her on it. She sends an email back with some stupid cryptic message eluding to the fact that there's more I don't know. I talk to her on the phone and of course she's not telling me more. I leave it alone...for now.
The more I think about it the more I don't want this chick or the pregnant one at my shower, b-party or even the wedding. I don't care if the friendship is over; let's face it, are they really my friends' anyway after all I've disclosed this past week? I don't think so anymore. It would probably be less drama and no friction if they are not around. I'm going to talk to Mike about it in the morning and get his take on it. After all, shiit starter was his female BF and I asked her to be in the wedding in the first place because of how tight they were and that we had built somewhat of a friendship. But much has changed over the past year, seriously and not for the better.
I'll sleep on it and see what comes of it in the morning. Goodnight.
Monday, November 24, 2008
More drama....BP of course!
I really let her know how I felt. I explained for the last time how I have NOTHING to do with it. What can't these people understand? I didn't plan a thing, and am not interested in what their juvenile feud is all about. Just don't eff up my parties, that's all I care about. Honestly. As long as we can have a good time without any childish whispering or cliques being formed, eyes rolling, or whatever, I'm good. Seriously, these girls need to grow the eff up. I'm so over this chit.
I further explained to her that there are always 3 sides to the story: what she heard, the other girls' side and the TRUTH. We don't even know what we really happened to cause this rift, only what they each have told us. All I told her was I'll see what I can do. She wants me to be a damn mediator between them. Puhlease! I DON'T CARE!
After I calmed down a bit, Mike called me and I told him about the phone call. He's pissed. Tired of people calling me with the bs and really to the point that he'd like to give everyone their deposits back (for the dresses) and tell them we'll see them at the wedding. That's even if they came after being told there's no more bridal party. I mean, can you blame him? This is becoming beyond annoying. In essence, what they've done, all of them, is turn this thing into being about them and forgetting the only reason why this is happening in the first place: Carla and Michael's wedding. Hello? It's not about you! Get over yourselves, swallow your pride and play nice for the good of the people you claim to love, Carla and Michael. Remember them?
Mike made a good point: this is so much about egos and pride. One bridesmaid wants to do it all after she got some negative feedback on one thing and the other doesn't want me to think she didn't want to help, or more than likely doesn't want the other girl to take ALL the credit for planning everything. It's not that serious people. Chill the eff out.
In a compromise, Mike is going to call both of them tonight on the 3 way, like they're high school girls all over again instead of grown women over 30 with children of their own, and try to get to the bottom of it. The point is, if bridesmaid A doesn't want B to help out, tell her that and keep it moving. The way it seems now B wants to help, and A isn't trying to hear her right now.
I just don't want to hear about it anymore. Done deal.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Invites....part 2
I'm still short about 5 invites, since we added to the guest list, so I'm ordered another version from VistaPrint. I'll probably use these to send to my 89 year old grandmother, who will probably look at the bottle like WTH? and to people I'm sure won't make it, or appreciate the bottle invite, mostly the older guests and those who probably aren't going to make it.
After Mike gives me the green light on the design he likes best (I made 4 different invites, similar styles) I'll place the order and be done with it. I'll post pics of the one we choose later.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Inhale, exhale, repeat.
Issue 1: I didn't tell her the dresses were in. Hello? The salon instructed me not to tell the girls the dresses were in. Why? Because fittings won't start until mid December or early January. No need to run to the salon, especially since they want the balance paid before you even slip into the dress. The way most are complaining they are broke, figured you might want to use the extra time before dishing out any funds.
Issue 2: Why I didn't tell her pregnant bridesmaid dropped out and another girl was in. Why didn't I tell her? Because I didn't feel the need to. Seriously, after sending 2 separate emails at separate times about the MOH, who was a possible in or out, and then my sister dropping out as Matron of Honor, I didn't feel up to it. Simple as that. It's really not necessary; plus pregnant girl calls her everyday so you mean to tell me she didn't tell you? I know she did. Stop it.
Issue 3: 2 of the girls won't call or email her back about the bridal shower/bachelorette plans. And I have what to do with this? Seriously, I don't know what they are planning and I'm not supposed to know. I love surprises! They haven't called you back for their reasons that guess what? They can tell you best. So I called them both and asked them to put their differences aside or whatever the issue is and just give her a ring and fill her in. Done.
Issue 4: Oh yeah, this was a loooonnnnngggg email. Issue 4 is why is Mike all in my business? Excuse me? First of all, I met this bridesmaid through Mike. She is supposed to be his female BF. Cool. We became cool over the years, hence her inclusion in the wedding party. So, I explain to her that Mike is only involved because he wanted to make sure things were happening or at least going smoothly. If Mike had to plan the bridal shower himself, it was going down. He just wants to make sure I'm happy and I get treated as I deserve.
Before I could call her Mike promptly called her and let her know, his words, how selfish it was of her to email me that long novel when I don't need to be stressed. He also told her it would've been best to call instead of an informal email with matters that you feel are THAT serious. After she talks to Mike, she calls me and apologizes if she upset me but she just wanted to let me know that she wanted to be involved in planning "my special day." I'm so tired of this reference; it's the last thing pregnant girl said before bowing out. Some special day to you, huh. Not really.
All I know is there aren't many people who are going to be as excited about your wedding as you are, for whatever the reason. This experience thus far has been an eye opening one; I know who's really friends of mine and I know who to keep at an arms distance. Funny I had warning signs before that I overlooked but my eyes are wide open now, believe me honey.
Sorry this is so long, I just needed to get this out and what better place to do it! I am determined not to allow anyone to aggravate me, stress me or take away from the wonderful time that's to be had by all. The shower is planned for January 31, 2008 (Mikes' mom's birthday, actually). I already have my keepsake invite, which is gorgeous by the way! I'm so thankful to have people there who actually do want to make sure that I have a good send off from being a bachelorette to becoming a Mrs. in 3 months.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Invites....round 1!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The invites
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dresses....all of them!
On to my dress, I go to the salon to check it out. It's gorgeous, the right color, but hopefully the right size. I think about trying it on until Debbie (owner) says I must pay the balance right then and there to try it on. Wow. I wasn't prepared for that. I ask her why is that? She says we can consider it the first fitting. OK. How? She goes on to say some salons give you 30 days to pay the balance; basically telling me she's lenient compared to few. I beg to differ. I leave it alone because at the time I'm thinking no biggie. Until I speak to my girlfriend who was married a year ago and used Arlenes also. She told me she tried on her dress numerous times before the actual fitting. She's the go-off type, so seriously, she's going off now after I tell her what Debbie says. And she referred me there. So, I'm going to call and ask them what happens if I try my dress on in Jan, or even Dec. for fittings and it doesn't fit, then what? I have no doubts it'll fit but still, you know what I mean.
I think Debbie needs to take a chill pill, seriously. The economy is not doing well now so the last thing you want to do is lose business behind some stupid stuff, and it could happen.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My dress is in.....and early!
Happy Birthday Baby!
Today also marks double digit time. 99 more days to go until I'm a Mrs. Whoo hoo! The time is dwindling down and I can't wait for it to be here. All I keep thinking about is the honeymoon and us getting some much needed alone time together on a beautiful island. And the cruise. No honeymoon babies here; I think we'll wait at least a year before we go there but we can practice, right? LOL.
Everything happens for a reason....
Anyway, the next day she tells me all is good and we joke about how the baby should be born sometime in July. (Both of us are July babies, lol) Then she bust out, "So you don't mind a big belly in your pictures?" Wow. I know some people have this whole wedding thing twisted but I didn't think she would think her pregnancy would be an issue. I tell her, of course I don't mind, but I am honest with her when I say I don't think the dress will fit her. The dress was ordered in August and it wasn't ordered with a baby belly in mind. We talk a few minutes about the dress and I let her know, basically there's nothing the salon can do but rush order her another dress. I can tell she's really not up for being in this wedding either.
She keeps apologizing and asking if I have someone to replace her; again the twisted minds of some regarding weddings. I explained to her, I'm not calling in stand ins just for the sake of it. She hits me with one last one, well, your sides are going to be uneven, referring to the number of guys versus girls in the bridal party. I exhale first; listen, who cares about even sides? I asked people I am close to, to stand up there next to me. Sheesh.
Granted, she has been getting on my nerves since day 1, actually her and another one. The color of the dress was too bright, not those shoes, not that day, etc..Don't even let me tell you how they are complaining to the one bridesmaid who actually took the initiative to put together a bridal shower and bachelorette party for me. Basically, in a nutshell, I wanted these two to drop out. It seems they are going out of their way to say and do the opposite of everything I ask of them. And then to give the other bridesmaid a hard time lets me know they'd be happy if nothing were to happen for me, since they don't want to contribute their time or finances to it.
So everything happens for a reason; she's pregnant, I'm happy for her, but I'm glad she decided not to order another dress. There was no way to kick her out of the wedding without ending what we call a friendship, so it's better this way. No hard feelings on either side; she made the choice but she keeps saying sorry, she feels she let me down. She did, but not by getting pregnant, that's life.
But don't apologize hun; secretly, I'm rejoicing.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wedding bands
Cocktail menus mock-up
- Guest book sign
- Brochures for OOT (out of town) bags
- Rehearsal dinner menus
- Memorial table sign (maybe)
- fan programs
- sand ceremony frame trial
- photo sharing cards
- menu cards
- table numbers
- cocktail menu (signature drinks and spirits)
- RSVP cards
- map and directions cards
- fish net for card box
I played around with Microsoft Publisher and came up with the design for the cocktail menu. It's not complete, for one, I'm not sure of the actual types of alcohol we are providing, but the list is pretty close. Mike has to come up with a signature drink and I just want something pink. I will print this as a picture and display it on an easel at the bar, depending on how many I use for the tables.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
President Barack Obama! That's it. Today is a wonderful day. Do you understand what this means to the world? What it shows about the American people and how far we have come? It is so overwhelming. I cried when I heard the news. I jumped in my car racing home in the hopes I would catch President Obama's speech. I missed it :( But I know they'll replay it. I'm still watching CNN for more updates.
I did hear a little of Senator McCains' speech, and I must say that he seemed to be sincere. He hushed the boos coming from his supporters, and spoke of congratulating President Obama. We are truly moving forward.
Final numbers: 338 Obama 156 McCain. Reminds me of the Giants vs. the Cowboys last week, a SHUT OUT. Whew! I'm not going to rub it in, but America has spoken, and it is what it is.
Monday, November 3, 2008
New Projects
- Guest book sign
- Brochures for OOT (out of town) bags
- Rehearsal dinner menus
- Memorial table sign (maybe)
The Memorial table is up in the air right now. Mike wants to honor his Mom in some way at the wedding but he hasn't quite figured out what he wants to do yet. If it includes a memorial table, I can hook it up.
This is the old list and what I have completed to date:
- fan programs
- sand ceremony frame trial
- photo sharing cards
- menu cards
- table numbers
- cocktail menu (signature drinks and spirits)
- RSVP cards
- map and directions cards
- fish net for card box
Not too bad. I went to AC Moore on Saturday and bought another bottle for the officiant to use for the sand ceremony and I bought a little hermit crab to go in the treasure chest. I also have my cocktail menu designed, a rough draft basically. I'll post pics tomorrow. And our rings arrived; I didnt' have time to add it today, so I'll post pics tomorrow also.